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Category: annoucements

New Home

Migrated to Anidex hosting even though I haven’t been active lately. I’d like to thank Holo for the opportunity to host my blog and for his continued efforts on Anidex torrents. I also would like to give a great thank you to Sassycat for the support he gave me on his Thirdworld space for the last few years. I hope to get a few more shows out later, if time allows from my busy days of course.

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Fifth Anniversary!

How time flies! (Source: Safebooru)

Five years ago today I released my first project. I wasn’t planning on posting about this as I don’t think is necessary, but it just so happened that it felled on the same day (Friday). Anyways, thanks to those who enjoy what I do.


New Blog, New Year, and First Post!

So a lot of stuff happened last year and the old blog is gone (although it can still be view in the Internet Archive).  My hope is to finish up the still ongoing shows, though I don’t have much time as you might already know so I’m not too sure about new shows. I’m still new with WordPress so I’ll have to learn how to configure it, then I can post some more.

Special thanks to #ThirdWorld for hosting my blog!