There were three episodes on the first volume that I forgot to check for errors, so there’s a patch to correct them. Just rename the .ass files to match the new naming and everything should be good. And as with part 16 and season 1, subtitles are on the ddl page.
torrents: anidex
Thank you, tlacatl6!
Just a question: Why do you only encode 576p versions? Are the US BDs not worth 720/1080p versions?
Also, in general, how much do you put into processing your sources (deband, dehalo, deringing, …)? Or is it just plain x264 encode?
Thanks again, and looking forwrad for your next releases!!
I will encode only to 576p when I believe 720p or higher is not worth the effort nor space. In general, I do process instead of plain x264 but that just depends on my personal observations so that might not be what others see though.
Any chance you could mux the .ass files into future episodes, gonna mux um into the older episodes for myself and thanks for putting them up 🙂
No, sorry but I won’t mux the subtitles. Incidentally, you can use the mpv player and load them automatically and use whatever font you have in your system.
its ok only takes a few mins to do it myself they look much nicer on the 1st episodes especially where funimation used strange looking subs with almost no border